Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Welcome New Neighbors To The ‘Hood

When we moved into the neighborhood a few years ago, our sweet neighbors brought over the obligatory “welcome to the neighborhood” brownies. Score. Recently it was our turn to pay it forward. Have I told you that we just got brand new neighbors...right next door?! I am SO excited! This sweet little family is from Michigan and they have TWO BOYS...just like us! The kicker is that the two boys are the EXACT same age as my two littles! LOVE IT! To welcome them to the neighborhood, I put together a few little treats so that we'd rank as their favorite neighbors. I can already see a gazillion cookouts, playdates, pool trips, happy hours on the patio in our future ;)

Can't go wrong with a plate of brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Ummmm...Mr. Spouse might have stolen half the batch of cookies, so I had to bake brownies to cover the giant plate! I found the plate/platter at Target a few months back for a whopping $1!!! I bought a few of them with the intention of giving them away at some point...SO glad I finally got to!


The basket has a few little things...NOTHING big.

Of course, my boys wanted to give their boys a little something special, so sidewalk chalk and bubbles won out.


And a little somethin' for momma...a YUM Tyler candle...warm sugar cookies. Unpacking isn't fun, but if the house smells good, who cares?!


And take out menus! Being new to the area, it's important to have these on hand at ALL TIMES. Who wants to cook while you’re unpacking?! NO thank you!!!!


I hope we didn’t come on too strong ;)

How do you welcome new neighbors into your neighborhood?!?!?!


  1. Omg! That's too sweet of you! I wish someone would have given us a couple take out menus when we moved in! If we ever get new neighbors I'm totally copying this idea!

  2. I make The Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls. They're sooo yummy! I love your ideas - takeout menus and sidewalk chalk especially!

  3. You are soooooo good! They are so lucky to have you as their neighbor!!! :)

  4. Love the idea of the sidewalk chalk and bubbles. I say you have scored big points with the new neighbors!

  5. This is such a wonderful idea! And way to go for your boys getting involved in such a great act of kindness! I want to move to your neighborhood!

  6. That is cool! Love the chalk.

    We're getting a basket ready right now too. We are putting in our fav dvd movie, The Sandlot and a box of microwave popcorn and it's going in a "popcorn" bowl.

    Thanks for sharing yours!

  7. That is SO FUNNY- we just got new neighbors next door too and they are also from Michigan and have a son the same age as mine! I am slacking on the welcome basket, must get on that ASAP!

  8. Brownies are definitely a must :) I also like to make a big batch of barbecued pulled pork. Everyone always seems to like that!

    Love trying your recipes, Cara! Definitely a few of them have made it on my Meal Planning Monday posts!

  9. You are so sweet!! We moved in to our new place last month and we barely even see the neighbors much less had them come over with something like this.

  10. Oh I wish you were my neighbor!! We live in the country and have none! :( So nice of you!
    Leslie (friend of Meredith Northcutt)

  11. I'm a new Friday Follower! Visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=3361 and sign up for my newest giveaway!

  12. great idea! my new husband and i are new to our neighborhood and something like this would have made my day!

    visiting from new friend friday- love your blog!


  13. What an adorable gift! Love it! The basket is super cute and the menus are genius! Visiting from New Friend Friday! Glad I stopped by! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  14. Wow, I'm really impressed. Very well thought out and put together. I'm sure you made it to the top of the fave neighbors list! ;)

  15. like your blog love the kid things in you basket, I do wine or food also but we have an association where we live so they usually do the plant etc.. I love the take out menu I will keep that in my repretar

  16. Your blog is adorable!

    Hi! Just popping by from New Friend Friday. I am now following you with Google Friend Connect. Come visit us at www.couponsaregreat.net

  17. Tell me where you live because I moving there right away! What a thoughtful idea...I love it!

    Found you from New Friend Friday.

  18. Can you be my neighbor?

  19. You are KILLING ME!!! OMGosh, Cara, you are THE domestic goddess!!! You are amazing! I have NO idea how you have time for it all, but I am SO impressed.
